Greeting cards are an ever popular product, performing well through tough economic times. So if you are looking for a business opportunity in and around the Bournemouth area it could be excellent timing that the prime greeting card franchise for the area just happens to be for sale.
Card Connection have supplied greeting cards and accessories to retail outlets for 30 years. The award winning business model has allowed hundreds of franchisees to make a profitable living through purchasing one of our franchise territories.
The Bournemouth franchise includes over 100 trading outlets that will give you an income from day 1. The store mix consists of many well known convenience brands like BP, Spar and Costcutter.
Working from home all you need is a good sized garage (or similar) for stock storage, a van, mobile phone, iPad and plenty of enthusiasm. Card Connection will provide you with all the necessary training plus a detailed handover and an introduction to every existing customer.
Card Connection is highly regarded by all the major bank franchising departments where funding can be sourced subjest to status. For more information please visit or call Matthew Heathcock on 07432 620919 or 01252 892300