Actively Improving Business Sustainability and Prosperity in Dorset through Inclusivity.
To advise Dorset Chamber on the steps we can take as a business organisation in improving our diversity, equity and inclusivity practices.
To share promote and share best practice with the wider business community.
The Committee will meet on a bi-monthly basis.
The membership of the Committee will be drawn from our membership and also include the Chief Executive and President of Dorset Chamber.
The Committee will advise Dorset Chamber regarding our practice, approach and development of diversity, equity and inclusivity policies to embed inclusion and diversity at the heart of our organisation.
The Committee will contribute to the development of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Policy for Dorset Chamber which will be signed off by the Dorset Chamber Board.
The Committee will contribute to the development of a Dorset Chamber Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Plan.
The Chair of the Committee will initially Chair for a period of 12 months and after this time, the Chair will be voted in by the members on an annual basis.
There will be a maximum of 10 people on the Committee.
There shall be a quorum at meetings of sixty percent of the membership.
Members are expected to attend meetings and participate as required and should not miss two consecutive meetings without good reason.
May 2023