Bournemouth University climbs into top 30 in global sustainability rankings

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings measure the work of universities against the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In the newly published rankings, Bournemouth University has climbed thirteen places to 29th out of 1,591 universities around the world. It is also ranked 5th in the UK – up three places from last year.

Each university receives a score against the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to create an overall score, with BU scoring highly in:

  • SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth – 3rd internationally and 1st in the UK, recognising our employment practice, student work placements and staff secure contract rate
  • SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production – 6th internationally, and 4th in the UK. This recognises high recycling rates on campus, academic research in this area and waste data reporting
  • SDG13 Climate Action – scored 21st internationally, and 6th in the UK. This is in recognition of low carbon energy on campus, the university’s net zero commitments, and its environmental education measures
  • SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation – 30th internationally and 2nd in the UK. This was due to its monitoring of water consumption, rainwater harvesting systems and work with the community to reduce water consumption.

Professor John Vinney, Vice-Chancellor of Bournemouth University, said: “We are proud of our positive climate impact through our research, education, and professional practice, and we work hard to mitigate our negative impact. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are embedded across all areas of our activities, and we continue to develop our approach each year.

“I am pleased to see the efforts of our staff and students recognised and for this to have been reflected in our score.

“I would like to thank all those in at BU and our partners who have been working towards these goals, and to acknowledge we have more to do as we continue in our efforts.”

Lois Betts, Sustainability Manager at BU, said: “This is the first year we have published a report showing how everyone at BU works together to address the UN SDGs.

“This shows how our education, research and operations contribute to achieving each of the 17 UN SDGs. I hope this report helps everyone to see how important their work is to make a big impact on sustainable development. It’s fantastic to be part of the university sector where our efforts really do make a difference both locally and internationally.”

The university’s commitment to sustainability and climate action extends to all faculties and departments, including the sustainability of its campuses, and the work to embed sustainability in the curriculum.

Research to help people around the world prepare for and recover from crisis also contributed to the rise in the rankings.

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