Category Archives: International Trade News

Mastering Global Markets: How International Trade Training Can Transform Your Business

In today’s global economy, the ability to navigate international trade is not just a competitive [...]

Designed in Dorset, Delivered Down Under!

Dorset temporary building manufacturer Mar-Key Group have been approached by representatives of Made in Britain [...]

Dorset Brand Builds Global Profile

Dorset is home to an array of businesses, of all sectors and sizes,  successfully trading [...]

International trade specialist heads for record 25% growth with the expansion of its Global Trade Blueprint

Demand for help in exploring export markets has put a South West trade company on [...]

Incoterms: Dorset Chamber are at the forefront of supporting businesses

When you sell goods to another country, did you know there is more to decide [...]

Importing problems on the horizon for 1st July?

Is there a huge headache for UK importers on the horizon with Postponed VAT, Duties [...]

Postponed VAT Accounting

Accounting for import VAT on your VAT return (also called Postponed VAT Accounting) means you’ll [...]

British Chamber responds to UK-Japan Free Trade Agreement

Commenting on the announcement that the UK and Japan have secured a free trade agreement, BCC Director General Adam [...]

Let’s talk about…Customs Classification

Due to Brexit, from 1 January 2021, businesses will need to make customs declarations to [...]

Let’s talk about…Customs Classification

Due to Brexit, from 1 January 2021, businesses will need to make customs declarations to [...]

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