Dorset Wildlife Trust surpasses Woodland Recovery Appeal target

Dorset Wildlife Trust are celebrating the success of their Woodland Recovery appeal, which has raised £79,000! 

Woodland habitats are home to some of Dorset’s most spectacular wildlife species. But they are under attack from many directions:

  • Ash dieback has already infected 90% of Dorset's ash trees. Most of these will die. 
  • Fragmentation over many decades has left Dorset's woodland habitats disconnected and diminished, so wildlife doesn't have room to move and spread.
  • Climate change threatens to plunge woodlands into unfamiliar and deadly conditions. Flooding, wild fires, extreme temperatures and new plant diseases could devastate Dorset's trees and wildlife. 

The money raised through this appeal will be spent on restoring woodland habitat across Dorset, through traditional woodland management as well as natural regeneration. Dorset Wildlife Trust will also create more woodland through acquiring land. This will help fight back against fragmentation by reconnecting existing wooded areas, allowing wildlife to move freely across the landscape.

To read more about our Woodland Recovery Appeal visit Woodland Recovery Appeal | Dorset Wildlife Trust. If you would like more information on how your business can support wildlife conservation and protect Dorset's wildlife and wild places please email

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