Bournemouth based recruitment consultants, Jobshop UK, has crowned super-temp, Mary Gleeson, ‘Temp of the Year’ for her roles in assisting local companies across the area.
Mary, who started tempting with Jobshop UK in June 2015, has taken on a number of assignments for local firms, including PA, secretarial, and administration roles for accountants, solicitors, the NHS, and in her current placement as a school administrator.
Mary said: “I’ve enjoyed temping throughout my career and continue to see it as a great way to gain experience from different workplace cultures, and to keep abreast of developments in software packages. For me, the first day of a new booking is always a little scary but exciting. I’d recommend temping to others looking at returning to work as it’s an ideal opportunity to test-drive a company or industry.
“I am proud to be associated with Jobshop who always provide quality assignments, and I’m thrilled to be awarded Temp of the Year 2017. It’s great to be recognised for my achievements and rewarded for good client feedback.”
Tracey Wood, director at Jobshop UK, said: “Mary is a fantastic temp who takes on new roles with enthusiasm, coping with new situations, workplaces and practices with ease. Feedback from our clients is always excellent, and as a result, Mary’s temporary roles have always been extended. Temporary work has always been an excellent route to finding a permanent job – now even more so with the candidate shortage being at an all-time high. Employers are realising that if they have someone working with them on a temporary basis who fits in with the team and is doing a great job, it would better to keep them than let them go. The REC’s April Jobs Outlook Survey found that 23 per cent of employers reported that over half of their temporary workers go on to become permanent workers each year.”