Guinness Wold Record holder adventurer Sally Orange runs for mental health!
Having been through battles with mental health when our founding director Aengus Shanahan had a brain tumour removed in Feb 2020, we are deeply passionate about raising awareness for our chosen charity Brain Tumour Research.
Because of this endeavor, we have had the privilege of meeting and being able to help Sally Orange with her foot problem! Sally is a multiple world record holder, adventurer and champion for mental health awareness. She is about to embark on an epic 7 Marathons, in 7 days, on 7 continents!!!!! This inspirational challenge demonstrates that we can do hard things for the benefit of others! Through this, Sally is aiming to raise awareness and money for 7 worthwhile charities.
- The Duke of Edinburghs Award (DofE), The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA, Marathon Kids UK, Armed Forces Para-Snowsport Team (AFPST), Ripple Suicide Prevention, Walking with the Wounded, Scotty's Little Soldiers
We have sponsored Sally in her quest to raise much needed funds to allow these charities to provide the best care they can for their clients.
To find out more, go to