Mindful lawyers put their heads together to talk about ‘managing stressful conversations’ during Mental Health Awareness Week.
They donned their thinking caps on to tackle the subject during a special ‘Lunch & Learn’ session at regional law firm Ellis Jones Solicitors with Dorset Mind.
The workshop was held in person and remotely via Teams for staff in Ellis Jones’ six offices across the South and London.
Nigel Smith, Managing Partner, said: “Law can be an extremely pressurised profession, especially when dealing with clients and colleagues at some very difficult times.
“We are committed to supporting our people in a meaningful way by creating a working environment with an ethos of support and a focus on wellbeing inside and outside of the office.
“Dorset Mind joined us for a very well received Lunch & Learn meeting in January and we are grateful to the charity for returning for another incredible valuable session during Mental Health Awareness Week.”
Ellis Jones has a strong programme of support for its staff, including training, awareness-raising and signposting as well as such activities as Pilates and exercise classes.
In addition, activities and initiatives are organised by its health and wellbeing group, social committee, equality, diversity and inclusivity group, and eco group.
The firm is also about to launch afterwork volleyball training sessions on Bournemouth beach and a paddleboard club.
Ellis Jones holds two to three Lunch & Learn sessions every month for personal and professional development in a range of subjects as part of its support for its staff.
Dorset Mind is a self-funded local charity that helps people experiencing mental health problems access vital support.
The charity says that one in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England.
It says that only one in three adults with a common mental health problem is currently getting treatment in the form of talking therapies, medication or both.
Visit https://www.ellisjones.co.uk/about/ to find out more about Ellis Jones’ initiatives and https://dorsetmind.uk/ for more about Dorset Mind.