A festive window dressing competition run in Westbourne has encouraged businesses to exercise their creativity this Christmas
At the start of the festive season in Westbourne, a window dressing competition has been held to encourage businesses to get creative with their Christmassy shop displays. The competition was run by Westbourne Business Association, with Bournemouth Coastal BID’s support, with the aim to make displays in Westbourne more attractive and encourage people to shop locally over the festive period.
A record number of businesses took on the challenge this year and decorated their windows. Winners were chosen by Mandy Payne from Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce and Sarah Newman of Russell Cotes Museum.
The judging period was over three days, on 27th, 28th and 29th November and ten businesses across three categories have been awarded. All businesses that entered the competition decorated their facades festively, adding elements of Victorian inspiration.
In retail, Fab Frocks Boutique won the first place for its extravagant display featuring sparkly party dresses alongside shiny baubles and glittery Christmas ornaments. Second place was awarded to two other worthy businesses, Scape Interiors and Attico. Scape made use of its colourful light appliances, adding huge snowflakes and fairy lights to complete the luminous display. Attico charmed the judges with its skiing Santa, strategically placed above the shop’s entrance. Last but not least, Zsa Zsa Boutique was awarded the third place for their decorative ingenuity.
The Vintage Lounge charmed the judges with its traditionally decorated Christmas tree, colourful gifts and vintage toys, to win first place in the food category.
Charity awards were given to the Marie Curie charity shop, in first place, and Salvation Army charity shop, in second place, for their innovative artistry in using their own products to decorate their display.
For hair and beauty, first place was given to Twilo Hairdressing Salon for the inventive use of silver and gold ornaments on its storefront. Polished Nail Salon also impressed the judges with its winter-wonderland looking display, and was awarded second place, whilst Magic Tan’s creative Christmas window was given third place.
Lia Martin, Chair & Director of Westbourne Business Association & a Director of Bournemouth Coastal BID, said:
“We would like to thank all participants as they’ve helped make Westbourne look more festive than ever! Mandy and Sarah had a tough time debating which businesses were most worthy of the prizes. Everyone who entered put in a great effort and we highly encourage the public to go see all the fantastic festive displays.”
For additional information about Coastal Business Improvement District (BID) please visit http://coastalbid.co.uk/