Business as a Force for Good Conference

Being a force for good is no longer just good for society, but a smart business strategy. The day-long conference includes inspirational panels, spotlight speakers and plenty of time for Q&As and networking. Discover the rationale, insights, approach and realities on becoming more purpose-led in your organisation.

Tickets on sale now: £99+vat (members) | £120+vat (standard) >>BOOK

The landscape is changing. Consumers, investors, and talent are increasingly drawn to businesses that make a positive impact alongside profit. This conference explores the compelling reasons why being a force for good is no longer just good for society, but a smart business strategy.

The event will be hosted by broadcaster Declan Curry, with keynotes from the world-leading speaker, changemaker and climate change consultant, Benita Matofska, and the political strategist, leading policy-maker and president of The Jobs Foundation, Lord Matthew Elliott.

The day-long conference includes panels, spotlight speaker and plenty of time for Q&As and networking.

This is a chance to discover the rationale, insights, approach and realities on why organisations should become more purpose-led.

We’ll discuss and debate the benefits of social and environmental responsibility, from attracting top talent and boosting brand loyalty to creating a more sustainable future and driving innovation. We’ll explore the costs of doing it – and the costs of not….

Join us for us for a day of inspiration, insight, networking and practical takeaways to help your business thrive while making a positive impact.

Panels include: 

  • Embedding Environmental and Social Responsbility for Growth
  • Sustainable Business: Where Profit and Planet Align
  • Leadership and Innovation. Business as a Problem Solver
  • Gen Z, Gen Alpha and Beyond: Their Future in our Hands