Charity DorPIP Lead the way in Support Maternal Mental Health and Infant Well-being in Dorset. 

As Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (May 1st to May 7th) sweeps through our calendars, Dorset charity DorPIP is taking centre stage in raising awareness and providing vital support for mothers in our community. Maternal mental health issues, such as postpartum depression and anxiety, affect a significant number of new mothers, yet often remain unrecognized or untreated. The pressures of juggling professional demands with family responsibilities only compound these challenges, emphasizing the urgent need for increased awareness and support.

In response to these pressing issues, DorPIP is not only promoting Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week but also spearheading efforts to enhance care for infants in Dorset. The charity has taken a proactive step by creating the Dorset Baby Manifesto, aimed at improving the care of the youngest members of society.

“Babies are the most vulnerable members of our society, yet they often lack visibility and a voice in the shaping of policies, plans, and services that directly affect their well-being ” said Emma from DorPIP. “With the creation of the Dorset Baby Manifesto, we are taking concrete steps to advocate for these infants, if we can work together to establish the foundations now, we will be investing in the future of Dorset, socially, economically and most importantly – so those infants can flourish.

The manifesto addresses various aspects of infant well-being, including an ambitious strategy across all sectors to support babies’ health, sustainable funding of preventative services, including health visiting focusing on the first 1001 days of life and having services co-produced with families to reach the most vulnerable babies in marginalised and isolated rural communities.

As part of these efforts, DorPIP is hosting a conference at Bournemouth University, titled “Building Brighter Futures in Dorset: Speaking up for Babies.” The conference aims to engage professionals, parents and advocates in interactive sessions focused on shaping the Dorset Baby Manifesto. The conference promises to be a significant step advocating for better care for infants in the region.

“We encourage professionals, policymakers, and parents to join the conversation and be part of the movement for positive change” said Emma. “By coming together and sharing our knowledge, we can create a brighter future for our youngest members of society,”

Through initiatives like the Dorset Manifesto, advocating for Maternal Mental Health week and conferences like “Building Brighter Futures”, DorPIP is leading the way in creating a brighter future for families across Dorset.

If you would like to attend the “Building Brighter Futures in Dorset: Speaking up for Babies.” conference, please sign up here:

If you would like to know more about how DorPIP support families in Dorset, please visit

(Image Description : Sian and Naomi from DCHUFT Perenatal Mental Health Team, and Vivian Allen DorPIP Founder at a Maternal Mental Health Week Awareness Event orgaqnised by Dorset Maternal Mental Health Services)

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