As life quickly gets back to normal after the chaos of Christmas, us recruiters find ourselves returning to a job rich market, which is great news for this time of year. So, for those passive job seekers who have been delaying making a change over the last couple of years because of Covid, Brexit and Christmas, now could well be the time to make the move and here’s why…it’s a buyers’ market!

With the sheer number of vacancies on offer currently and the enduring shortage of people looking for work, jobseekers have the luxury of choice and to some extent the opportunity to negotiate favourable terms. Starting and average salaries have already been pushed up dramatically over the course of the last 6 months as businesses have had to work harder to not only attract new talent but also retain existing employees; it would appear though that there is still room for more, and for those who are looking to make the change at the right time there is room for further discussion around salary, benefits, and conditions of working.

We’ve all heard the old cliché ‘New Year, New Career,’ and I dare say on most occasions we have completely dismissed it, but January 2022 could be the time to seize the moment. If you are thinking of making that move, think carefully about what is important to you and your motivation for making a change; as long as you are reasonable with your expectations, there will be employers out there who will be willing to come to mutually agreeable arrangements to secure the best talent.


If you are looking to make that change in 2022, or to recruit exceptional people to your business then do please feel free to get in touch with your local Mploy office.


Jon Raine – Branch Director – Christchurch office
01202 478278 |

This article is featured in the February issue of the Dorset Business Focus magazine. Read on the online version here.


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