How has ‘Freedom Day’ impacted employers?

A couple of weeks on from ‘Freedom Day’ on the 19th July and we are already seeing the effects of restrictions being eased.

Workplaces are that bit busier, facemasks have become a little less prevalent and the self-isolation rules are due to change later this month after a few weeks of ‘pingdemic’ chaos.

For employers, there remains a lot to consider in the wake of ‘Freedom Day’, least of all if and how to return staff to the workplace safely.

Paul Burton, Employment Partner, discusses the impact that ‘Freedom Day’ has had on employers, as covid considerations and responsibilities shift back to individuals and businesses.

What is the latest Government Guidance for employment?

The latest guidance places workplaces in one of six categories highlighting advice and guidance for various workplace settings and sectors. Broadly, however, the guidance which is consistent across these sectors is that:

  • All businesses can reopen and the instructions to ‘work from home if you can’ is no longer Government guidance
  • Social distancing guidelines are no longer legally required though employers are advised to consider suitable steps to manage the risk
  • Health and safety obligations remain in place and employers must still risk assess and implement appropriate measures where deemed necessary

What COVID responsibilities do employers now have?

The change in strategy by the Government signalled a major shift in responsibility back on individuals and businesses.
This naturally comes with its own problems as employers must now balance the need to protect staff and clients/customers with employee’s other rights.

The less serious the risk of coronavirus, arguably the less need there is for restrictive workplace measures and yet the virus remains a significant threat to a great many people.

Employers will be faced with questions in the coming weeks and months about:

  • Staff returning to the office
  • Ongoing workplace restrictions such as social distancing and mask-wearing
  • Testing and compliance with self-isolation rules including from foreign travel

What risk management steps should employers take during COVID?

Click here to read the full article.

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