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Compassion is our best Human Resource, so let’s use it!

In today’s business landscape, there is an unprecedented call to prioritise people, culture and leadership like never before.

To build a high-performing organization, leaders must recognize that while the world of selling has dramatically changed in recent years, the function of selling has often remained outdated. Smart organizations and winning sales leaders must commit to creating the right sales operating model that fosters compassion, kindness, growth, innovation, collaboration, and future thinking.

Unleash Your Potential With Our Workshops & Masterclasses hosted by Compassion in Business. We are very pleased to offer a 25% discount to all Dorset Chamber of Commerce members. The discount also applies to the Saturday Compassionate Leadership Masterclass ( for any employee working for a Chamber company member.

For a full list of events, please visit and subscribe to be notified of new events and courses that are being released very soon.

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