Reducing the risk of driver distraction.

While traffic collisions are often the result of a variety of interconnected factors, the vast majority are due in some part to driver behaviour.

According to the Department for Transport, the two leading contributing factors in collisions are a failure to look properly, and a failure to judge another motorist’s speed. Such collisions commonly occur because a driver is in some way distracted and not giving the road their full attention.

In order for organisations to reduce their motor risk, it is important they understand the common causes of driver distraction, and properly investigate and analyse the root causes of collisions.  This will not only assist organisations in understanding the cost of driver distraction, but also in developing strategies to ensure learnings are taken from the collision. Sharing lessons across the organisation can reduce the probability of a similar situation occurring again.

Driving requires the full attention of the driver at all times – any visual, auditory or physical activity while driving is a distraction. This could include using mobile phones, talking with passengers, using entertainment or navigation systems or eating and drinking, as well as looking at collision scenes, advertisements, or pedestrians.  There is academic evidence that drivers cannot divide their attention between driving and a secondary task without significantly reducing their driving performance. They also cannot estimate their own levels of distraction effectively.

How can organisations manage or mitigate the risks of driver distraction?  Organisations need to ensure they have a robust management programme in place, with appropriate policies in operation. Best practice would be to introduce a ban on the use of mobile phones while driving, including hands-free, and extend such policies to include other in-vehicle distractions such as sat navs.  It is important that organisations engage with line managers so that they understand the impact in-vehicle devices have on drivers.  Having conversations with drivers post-collision and completing root cause analysis will assist in understanding key distractions that drivers are facing, and enable organisations to put appropriate measures in place to reduce such distractions.

Telematics devices, which monitor driver behaviour and use in-vehicle facing cameras, can help organisations to understand if a driver was distracted before a collision occurred, by analysing data such as harsh braking and speed versus posted speed limit. Some telematics devices are able to identify distracted drivers.

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