Chartered Builders, Greendale Construction Limited, has successfully completed work on a new annex for St John’s Church, Macaulay Road, Broadstone. The new-build annex, named The Northreach Project, faces Dunyeats Road and now provides a fantastic multi-purpose venue. Starting construction in May 2022, the work comprised of a refurbishment of the redundant choir vestry to provide a meeting room in the existing church, and a main annex with atrium and multi-purpose space, together with associated office, kitchen/servery, general storage, and toilet accommodation. A plantroom was formed in the existing basement as well as alterations completed to the extant church fabric.
The NorthReach Annex, together with the new church meeting room, will provide a community space suitable for exercise classes, meetings, free concerts and exhibitions, after-school clubs, and craft and support groups for all ages. Equipped with the latest technology for presentations and illustrated talks, the NorthReach Annex is ideal for local groups and charities seeking a unique meeting spot. The church will also use it for its own events, children’s work, and study groups.
Chris Cave, Commercial Director, Greendale Construction commented: “The project included new service installations, new foul & surface water drainage including a connection to the public sewer in Tudor Road. Additionally, modifications to provide vehicular and pedestrian access from Dunyeats Road, disabled parking, cycle storage. A new entrance to the Annex has been formed with separate steps and ramp. The principal access into the church remains on the South side. The main Church remained operational during the construction contract, including temporary protection to various parts of the existing building and external areas. Greendale is delighted to have handed over the NorthReach Annex to the Church, which will be a huge benefit to the Church and community as a whole.”
The NorthReach project has been made possible by the sale of one of the church-owned buildings on the Waterloo estate which raised £777,000, with a condition that the money would be used for a capital project at the Broadstone site. The project has been further financed and supported with grants from All Churches Trust, Erskine Muton Trust, and the Laing Family Trust, together with grants from The Talbot Village Trust, Garfield Weston Foundation, The Glaziers Trust, and the Valentine Trust. This is in addition to the church’s own fund-raising events, some very generous donations from the Broadstone Day Care Centre and the church’s own congregation members, as well as fund-raising concerts performed by the Broadstone Community Band and Broadstone Music Series.
The Revd Helen Bailey, Vicar of St John’s, commented: ‘We are thrilled with the new building, which looks amazing. This will transform the mission and ministry of our Church, and enable us to be a vital hub at the centre of our community.’