Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital celebrates fertility clinic service ahead of World IVF Day

July 25 is recognised as ‘World IVF Day’, representing the day that the world’s first IVF (in vitro fertilisation) human baby, Louise Brown, was born in 1978.

As Louise gets set to celebrate her 40th Birthday, Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital celebrates the birth of its tenth successful IVF baby as the result of its Fertility Clinic.

In April 2016, Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital opened the doors to its Fertility Centre led by consultant gynaecologist, Mr Julian Pampiglione, and fertility nurse, Jackie Coleman. The centre is proud to be the only IVF programme in Bournemouth and since its launch has seen ten babies delivered, with four more due imminently.

IVF involves a woman’s egg being removed from her body, and in a laboratory setting, is fertilised with sperm. The embryo is then returned to the woman’s womb to grow and develop into a baby.

Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital’s fertility service acts as a satellite facility to the Woking Nuffield Health Hospital IVF Programme, which is one of the most successful fertility centres in the whole of the country.

David McNair, Hospital Director at Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital, said: “We are so proud of how successful the fertility clinic has been. Thanks to the work of Mr Julian Pampiglione and Jackie Coleman, ten babies have been welcomed into this world, and what better time to reflect and to celebrate the birth of our tenth baby then on World IVF Day, 40 years since the first IVF baby was born.”

For more information about Nuffield Health facilities please visit: or call 01202 375032.

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